2405 Romig RD
Akron, OH 434320
(330) 753-1000
Have a question? Call Us
Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Our School Hours
Akron, OH 434320
Have a question? Call Us
Our School Hours
Imagine Leadership Academy and Imagine Akron Academy receives federal money for Title IA, Title SSI, Title IIA, Title IVA and IDEA-B and IDEA Early Childhood, Stronger Connections and Expanding Opportunities for Each Child.
We are holding a public meeting to receive feedback on the use of the federal funds including the IDEA funds.
The meeting will be held on April 23 at 10:00 AM at 2405 Romig Rd, Akron Ohio.
Information is available on the website www.imagineleadershipacademy.org and www.imagineakronacademy.org
Feedback can be sent to karen.shepherd@imagineschools.org